BISC Secondary School Assessment Policy.
- To support student engagement in their learning
- To promote growth mindset practices in the school
- To support students in their academic and social development
- To keep parents informed of the progress of their children
Assessment Title | Time of the academic year |
Nature of the assessment | ||
Assessment 1 | Term 1 Half Term Grades | Subject grades and tutor comment | ||
Assessment 2 | Term 1 End of Term Report | Subject comments, tutor report and Head of Secondary comment | ||
Assessment 3 | Term 2 Half Term Grades | Subject grades and tutor comment | ||
Assessment 4 | Term 2 End of Term Report | Subject reports, tutor report and Head of Secondary comment | ||
Assessment 5 | Term 3 End of Term Reports | Term 3 End of Term Report Subject reports, tutor comment and Head of Secondary comment. |
Half Term Grades
Students will be given a number grade for the following areas:
- Engagement
- Progress
- Behaviour for Learning
The number grades will be as follows:
2= Good
3= Improvement necessary
4= Improvement essential
Engagement Grade Policy
Educational research has shown that there is a clear correlation between engagement and achievement. Professor Dweck in Mindset: How You Can Fulfil Your Potential makes a convincing case that a positive mindset will increase a pupils’ achievement. A positive mindset from pupils in schools will include a commitment to engage purposefully and positively in academic work. There is no suggestion that excellent engagement will automatically result in top grades but that it will help students to realise their potential. There is a significant amount of educational literature that suggests that as well as commenting on student level of understanding teachers should also comment on the assessed level of engagement.
Awarding engagement grades will reinforce a positive work ethic where it already exists. Where such an ethic does not exist it will provide an evidence base for helping students who are underachieving. It will therefore support the reporting system that the school operates.
Descriptors for Engagement Grades
Obviously professional judgement will need to be exercised and what follows is therefore only a suggestion but in outline:
Outstanding Engagement
There is an obvious pride taken in both the presentation and the content of the work. There is evidence that the work has been well planned and that any advice given about previous work has been acted upon. The attitude displayed in class has been very positive with plenty of evidence of curiosity, collaboration and the student has both answered and asked relevant and searching questions in the preparation stage of the assignment. The work is handed in on time. In essence it would appear that the student has gone the extra mile and has been proactive.
Good Engagement
It is clear that the student has taken the assignment seriously however there is less attention to detail than in the excellent category. The work may not have a proper title for instance. It may not be neat enough. For the most part it maybe of an excellent standard but is perhaps not quite finished. The attitude displayed in class has not been as proactive as for the excellent category. It is likely that the student answers but does not ask questions and is less inclined to be collaborative.
Improvement necessary
Work has been rushed and is untidy. Usually it will be incomplete. There will not be an appropriate title. There will be little if any evidence of planning. Work handed in late would usually fall into this category.
Improvement essential
Prep not done or a minimal effort has been put into work. Classroom attitude is unhelpful.
Grade Descriptors for Progress
Outstanding progress has been made in all areas of work. In written work and comments in class the student has made significant progress in both knowledge and understanding. The student’s ability to communicate in English orally and on paper has improved considerably. Improved subject knowledge has led to improved understanding and confident use of ‘technical’ vocabulary.
Progress has been made. The student’s knowledge has grown and written work confirms that progress has been made. The student’s confidence in English has grown and is evidenced by more contributions to class and fuller written work. Subject knowledge and understanding has improved evidenced by both written work and classroom discussions.
Improvement necessary
Little progress has been made caused by a lack of attention and focus in class. English language competency may have improved slightly but not at the required level. Subject knowledge has not developed at the expected level.
Improvement essential
No progress of note has been made. There is a lack of attention and focus during lessons. The student has made little or no progress with English. There has been little or no improvement in subject knowledge.
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